January 26, 2010

e-mail numbero dos!

Oi Familia e amigos (the s is an sh sound in portugal!!) ! :) alright... quick letter... bullet points prob. - so, sundays they have music and the spoken word... we didnt go cause we were already about to fall asleep and decided to do lang study instead... anyways,after the m and the s.w. they have a dev. and so we were going to that and guess what song they were playing? somewhere out there from the fivo goes west movie!!! So funny, I totally thought of ashley! - I saw lindsey m. ... devons lindsey... she works in the caf. every once in a while... she served my comp a salad. it was awkward. the end on that subject. - Sister Dalton the YW general relief society prez came and talked to us and omg she is AMAZING!!! I want to be like her! She is my new role model! Shes super cute and so nice and she srsly glows w the spirit! - The portugese... uh... I have a love hate relationship with it at the moment... some days I do really really well w it and others i basically wish i could kill it. I definately have seen o dom dos linguas (gift of tongues) in my life these past 2 weeks... but you all know me... I just want to see instant results... but, I have been able to learn at such a pace that I know I would not be able to do without some help from Heavenly Father. I am also able to remember stuff from spanish that applies to port. from my frosh yr of hs which is a miracle in and of itself! - everyone is sick here... (i am coming down with a cold/flu type thing but trying to pretend its not here and hoping its going away) a sister in our district (we have 5 sisters and 6 elders... practically unheard of!!) and she was really sick and asked our elders for a blessing one night before we went back to our rooms. (side note in the mtc we have teachers, but they arent w you all the time... they are only here from 10-1 and then 3-6ish... so all the other time is for us to have the motivation to study and teach ourselves... crazy... and ps, try and imagine 19 yr old boys having that motivation...bahaha. yeah rt.) anyways, so it was the coolest experience ever to watch these immature elders (i mean really immature) turn around from laughing about someones nasty fart to consecrating the oil and giving her a blessing. It strengthened my testimony so much of why the missionaries go out when the are 19. I truly believe that one reason is to help them grow up and man up. The priesthood is such a great responsibility and I am so grateful that I was able to have it in my home growning up. - there is this place called the RC, the referral center. where people call in about boms and the dvds and stuff. we get to work in there sometimes and it is such a crazy experience. most of the time you get people yelling at you about how they dont want it or how we are going to hell... you pretty much want to go cry in a corner after an hour of those but then you get one call where they are totally into it and you get to bare your testimony and it makes everything worth it. I love it so much! -One of the elders thought i looked like angela lansbury when she was younger... could you send me a picture of her? I donno who she is... - My straightener has died... a very tradgic death actually... k not really but i need a new one... chi please. or the type that ash gib and kelsey eliason have. ask them please or just send one. sorry, thanks, love you. - last but not least, my testimunho... I know youve been looking fwd to this part :) Eu sei que o livro de Mormon e verdadeiro. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo e o nosso Salvador. Eu sei que Deus restaurou o seu evangelho atraves de Joseph Smith. Eu sei que o evangelho de Jesus Cristo e verdadeiro. Eu estou grata ao meu Pia Celestial por este conhecimento. Em nome de Jesus Cristo, amem. I love you all and of course miss all of your beautiful smiling faces! mom- actually email me back so i feel loved! all others!!! send me dear elders... (sister, you had better write me... im pretty sure i wrote you back i cant remember... if not write me again ahaha!) ciao! Irma Graf

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